Winter Rules

These rules apply to all residents and their guests; it is the responsibility of each property owner to ensure all property occupants and guests are aware of all posted LCRA rules and regulations and follow them accordingly.

All members and their guests are solely responsible for any loss, accidents, or injuries to themselves or others as a result of access to, or use of, the LCRA property and facilities. All park amenities and activities are unsupervised.

Ice Conditions & Usage

  • Our staff will closely monitor the ice thickness and condition during the colder seasons. Despite our monitoring efforts, natural ice may change constantly without notice or warning. Once the ice has been deemed accessible for use, thin ice signage will be taken down and the GREEN FLAG will be flown.
  • Please ensure you are using appropriate care and caution when you are on any LCRA ice; when the RED FLAG is flying, access to the lake is prohibited. More information on our Safety Flag system can be found here.
  • Fires of any kind, including propane, butane, gas, or solid fuel, are not permitted on any ice surfaces.

If you wish for more information on lake ice, ice safety, and other related topics, please contact us by calling 403.254.4148, emailing [email protected], or by visiting the LCRA Office on-site.

Skating, Hockey, and Additional Sports

  • The upper rink with the firepit (also called the Top Pad Rink) and the prepared skating pathways on the lake ice are for pleasure skating only – sports are not permitted in these areas.
  • The LCRA prepares rinks on the lake ice each year for the purposes of sporting use (hockey, ringette, etc.). These rinks can be identified by the presence of nets – if there is a net, sports are permitted.
  • Due to the natural development of lake ice, rinks may not always be able to be maintained to a regular indoor rink standard. Helmets and protective equipment are strongly recommended.

Ice Fishing

  • A full list of ice fishing rules and regulations can be found by clicking here.


  • Tobogganing/sledding is only permitted on the designated area on the hill just left of the front waterfall. For safety reasons, tobogganing/sledding on any other area of the hill is prohibited.
  • Building of jumps, ramps, or any other alterations to the snow on the hill is prohibited.
  • Helmets and protective equipment are strongly recommended.