Are you an industry location scout or an independent photographer/videographer looking for a lake, park, or lakehouse facility to serve as a backdrop for your production?
The LCRA is pleased to work with those wishing to film on-site to further boost our community and the local film industry! If you would like to inquire about filming opportunities, including on-site locations, availability, rates, and privacy requirements, please contact [email protected].
Usage of Drones
Flying drones for recreational purposes is not permitted on LCRA property without express written consent from LCRA management. If you are looking to record footage for real estate purposes, or for professional photography/videography services, please submit an email to [email protected] to have your request reviewed by LCRA management.
Private drones that have been approved for flight must register a flight plan, including their contact information, with LCRA management. Private drones are not permitted to capture images of members or guests using the park, including capturing footage or pointing cameras into any private houses.
For safety purposes, drones must not fly overtop of any persons and must stay below 110 feet.