Operations Blog

November 2024

Hey Community Members!

The winter season is quickly approaching! We’re going to be including some information on what’s been happening at Lake Chaparral in these monthly blogs.

Here’s an overview of what our maintenance staff has been up to:

Skate Mats

Over the last month, we’ve started preparing the park for a successful winter season. Besides putting away our summer machinery and bringing in the Olympia (Zamboni), we’ve also put out the skate mats! Our skate pads stretch from the Lakehouse all the way down to the top-pad and the lake.

Staff Training

Speaking of machinery, we’ve also been training our staff on winter equipment. So far, they’ve learnt how to use the Ventrac. They will soon learn how to use the Olympia.

External Sites

Over the summer, we recognized that our external sites took a hit with landscaping. At Lake Chaparral, we take these matters seriously – that’s why we’ve been working extra hard to ensure that our sites meet the standards of our community. Our landscaping team has been working diligently to improve these areas.


Over the summer, our streambeds experienced an algae bloom. In July, we manually removed the algae from our streambeds and applied algaecide.

Unfortunately, we experienced another bloom in October. Due to this, we performed another manual removal and algaecide application in November. This summer and fall season has taught us a lot and we look forward to tackling this issue differently in the new year.

Tennis Courts

That’s a wrap, folks! Our tennis courts are now closed. The pickleball nets were removed on November 16. We look forward to seeing all our tennis and pickleball players return in the spring/summer.

Fish Delivery

On November 1st, we performed our annual fish stocking and introduced 400 tiger trout (sized 12-14”) and 250 brown trout (sized 8-10”) to the lake. The tiger trout are the largest stock we’ve received in years!

The large stock, while more expensive, is desirable to help us better contain the rogue perch population. We had the largest turnout of members in years coming by to watch the new fish take their ride into the lake!

A friendly reminder that all trout and carp are catch and release only; please do not return perch to the lake.

Christmas Lights

Over the last month and a half, our staff have been working hard to put up the Christmas lights. Now, they’re finally ready for the big reveal! On November 23rd, we will be turning on our lights for the season. Be sure to stop by!

For general updates please visit our website and social media pages.

If you would like us to write more blogs about what’s happening at the Lake, please let us know!


Until Next Time,

Marisa (LCRA Maintenance Team Member)