Lake Chaparral Residents Association (LCRA)   Chaparral Community Association (CCA)
Companies Act, Section 9 Incorporated Under Societies Act (Non-Profit)
The Lake Chaparral park facility is for the exclusive use of Lake Chaparral Residents, encumbered with lake access, and their guests. Residents and their guests use the facility and amenities entirely at their own risk.

Areas of Chaparral that are NOT part of the LCRA include Chaparral Ridge and Chaparral Valley.

Purpose The Chaparral Community Association (CCA) is a volunteer run organization that represents the residents of Lake Chaparral, Chaparral Ridge, Chaparral Ravine, and Chaparral Valley. Your CCA is the recognized body that liases with government officials, expresses resident concerns regarding commercial, industrial, and residential land use development, and represents the position of the residents on education, transportation, environmental, and infrastructure issues.
Mandated for property owners. Fees are due July 1 of each year. Membership Voluntary $20 annually.
Meetings on the first Tuesday of the month. Meetings  
RAs established through Encumbrances on Land Titles;

Professionally managed with paid staff.

Operations Dependent on volunteer membership and fundraising.
Facility and park amenities

Programs and events

Website and Communications

Membership and Administration

Functions Representation with city and province

Events and community building

Projects and community development


The Chaparral Community Association (CCA) is a volunteer run organization that represents the residents of Lake Chaparral, Chaparral Ridge, Chaparral Ravine, and Chaparral Valley. Your CCA is the recognized body that liases
with government officials, expresses resident concerns regarding commercial, industrial, and residential land
use development, and represents the position of the residents on education, transportation, environmental, and infrastructure issues.

The CCA supports organized sports, community, and social programs.To stay connected the CCA publishes the Chaparral Trailblazer and maintains a website, Facebook, and lnstagram pages.

Successful, healthy communities are generally those with active and sustained membership and involvement by the community residents.

The CCA board encourages all residents to purchase a membership, and when available, attend monthly meetings to help make our community amazing. Some things the CCA has done for the community include: New Chaparral Common and Chapalina Cres Playgrounds, Green Thumbs Community Garden, Community Clean-Ups, Adopt-a-Rink in the Valley, Valley Summer Bash, garbage bin wraps, Stampede kick-off breakfast (co-organized with the Lake – open to all Chaparral residents), Festival of Lights, advocating for traffic signal lights and crosswalk Rapid Movement Flagship Beacons (RFB), Safe Communities lnitiatives, and Development Permit Applications.The CCA has also weighed in on Commercial Applications (Chaparral Meadows, Bottle Depot, Telus Cell Tower, BFI Canada lnc., Inland Cement).


For more informationabout the Chaparral Community Association please head over to –